Christmas bells are ringing…

I don’t really know if I’m looking forward to the holidays. Perhaps a little bit. Make no mistake, I love Christmas and most of the things, which come along with it, but as B.B. King said: “The thrill is gone.”

There isn’t much of anything to look forward to at the moment. Which feels wrong, as this is the first year since I was a toddler that I am not waiting for a break from school. I suppose I miss the anticipation. Among other unmentionables. And until I have something to anticipate (i.e. a job looming on the horizon) there isn’t really any need to look forward to anything….

One of the few creatively active things I have done of late

If not for the cold weather and the obvious safety concerns, I’d take to running at night this month, so that I can glance at the Christmas lights in the neighborhood. It was warm enough to run outside the other night. For some reason they provided me with an extra jolt of adrenaline the other night at dusk. And it’s a far less inert way to enjoy the holiday decorations than driving by in a car.

On days when it isn’t raining (which will be few and far between this week), the brisk air is extraordinarily clear. As I left my house the other morning at 5:30 AM, I looked up and was greeted by a sky brimming with gleaming stars—far more than I remember seeing in the summer sky. Orion loomed over the treetops, lucid enough to be traced out by fingertip. And (vaguely) toward the north I could pick out one of the Dippers and Polaris. There are a few advantages in having to be up so early in the morning.

Aside from that, I really have nothing in the way of news or information. This past month has been blank and I’ve accomplished little of value (aside perhaps for that drawing above). *Shrugs shoulders* Meh. You win some, you lose some.

Recently Read:
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay  by Michael Chabon

Currently Reading:
John Lennon: The Life by Phillip Norman

Listening to:
Where is My Mind by Pixies